This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.


Testing, testing: PostNL, Groningen & LEFVs

06 November 2020 - Published by Deirdre Buist
As part of the Surflogh project, PostNL and the City of Groningen carried out a number of trials in the city centre last September. Aim of this latest pilot was to gain more insight into the pros and cons of using an electric cargo-bike and trailer combi for deliveries in congested areas.


The pilot also investigated the impact of this green logistics concept on the liveability of the inner city for residents and shopping public. PostNL is trialling different LEFV (Light Electric Freight Vehicles) to research which are most suitable for parcel deliveries in an urban environment.

Not traffic-stopping 

In Groningen, the electric bike and trailer temporarily replaced one delivery van. PostNL has the ambition to deliver emission-free in 25 inner cities by 2025. Reason enough to already choose cleaner vehicle options, where possible. The use of smaller e-vehicles not only results in less emissions but also significantly reduces traffic congestion. So,the increased capacity and flexibility of the electric trailer from Nüwiel is very attractive – but NOT traffic-stopping! Data collected during the pilot shows this e-cargo delivery duo forms no real obstacle for other traffic flows.

Strategy plan

This pilot is in line with Groningen’s goal to reduce freight and delivery traffic in the inner city  centre. The Municipality has drawn up their strategy for this issue in a concept plan - ‘Ruimte voor Zero Emissie Stadslogistiek’ (Space for Zero Emissions City Logistics), which can be accessed on their website (in Dutch).


 You can also watch the info movie on Groningen's strategy (with English subtitles) here: