60 minutes of Blockchain: The next generation’s stories

11 June 2021 - Published by Evite van Winkoop
On June 16th, European Master students from the BLING network will give a peak into their current research on blockchain. This event will start at 3pm CET and is the launch event for the 60 Minutes of Blockchain series BLING will introduce after the summer. Don’t miss it!

In this webinar, students will present their research on the implementation of blockchain in the public sector, as well as their insights on digital currencies and e-voting. The students are part of European universities, Groningen University, Karl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Hochschule Osnabrück and University Gothenburg. There will be two breakout rooms. One focusing on blockchain implementation in municipal environments and one focusing on blockchain use cases in other areas.

Break out rooms

The topics of the presentations will be covering blockchain in public sector municipal environments, as well as blockchain use cases in e-voting, health and digital currencies.

  • Jendrik Mann will be presenting his work on the Oldenburg use case of health certificates on the IOTA tangle, as he is currently working on an app for that purpose.
  • Nivin Pradeep Kumar is  working on a trustworthy blockchain based electronic voting system for modest scale scenarios.
  • Jens Karlsson and Niklas Landsten conducted a study in their thesis, to identify how public organizations handle expectations when they pursue innovation with blockchain, consequently answering the question, why innovation involving blockchain in public sector organizations is such a complex issue.
  • Josey Ongsiek will be talking about challenges of implementing blockchain in European public sector.
  • Joanna Junros identified how digitalization through blockchain technology, as an example of an emerging technology, is implemented in the public administration, today. Thereby, especially focusing on the advantages and disadvantages.
  • Leo Enocksson and Cristina Raluca Dobritoiu have conducted  qualitative research focusing on the Sweden’s Central Bank pilot project with digital currencies and investigated the suitability of distributed ledger technology in the central bank digital currency setting, which they will be presenting in the webinar.

The whole webinar series will be moderated by Digital Event Manager Marjolein Wiersma.

60 Minutes of Blockchain Webinar Series

The 60 Minutes of Blockchain is a 6-part series, planned to start after the summer break. The six themes will focus on Digital Identity, Transport, Health, Community Building, the Blockchain Ecosystem and Energy. These themes are following the in depth blockchain use cases also researched in the BLING project. During this 60 minute webinars, we will dive into the background of the theme with the help of an expert from the field. Also real theme-related use cases will be presented, followed by an open discussion between blockchain experts, use-case experts and the audience. Follow our twitter (link) and LinkedIn (link) for more information on this webinar series

Practical information:
Date: 16th of June 2021 – 15:00-16:00 CET
Sign up:

This meeting will be hosted in zoom.
