This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.


The material below has been developed within the Interreg North Sea Region (NSR) HyTrEc2 project is available for download.

The HyTrEc2 is a bold project set up to advance the use of Hydrogen in Transport in the North Sea Region. The Interreg project has clearly defined aims and ambitions each of which can be expressed through a series of deliverables. Below are a selection of materials that highlight the previous, current and projected actions to make Hydrogen the fuel of the future. 


Vehicle Trials - Improving Operational Efficiency

One of the core pieces of work in part of work package 3, vehicle trials, is the creation of an overview of Hydrogen transport legislation and standards in the North Sea Region. This report reflects the variation in legislation across the North Sea Region when it comes to hydrogen. The report also provides a unified fuel cell electric vehicle guide which is compliant across the whole NSR, as well as a unified hydrogen transport guide compliant for the region. The report contains data cards per country which detail existing legislation around hydrogen vehicles plus production and distribution, these are extremely helpful managing to be concise and thorough! Below are links to the report itself as well as to a supplementary presentation delivered on the 8.12.21.

HyTrEc2 Hydrogen Transport Legislation and Standards in The North Sea Region Report


{Above is an Aberdeen City Council informational video which explains how to refuel a hydrogen fuel cell car.}


A large element of HyTrEc2 revolves around vehicles. The plan is to experiment by creating pilots of many different types of vehicles and with different fuelling options. Cars are the vehicles that often spring to mind first upon thinking about vehicles, but they are just a small segment of transport and its associated emissions. Hydrogen fuel cell cars have been available since the first HyTrEc. HyTrEc2 aims at increasing the use of hydrogen in all types of vehicles, most notably refuse lorries and large forklifts. A variety of methods are being employed to deliver Hydrogen vehicles: retrofitting; range extenders; simulations; dual fuel; and fuel cell vehicles.

Below is a link to a presentation by Gemeente Groningen showing a selection of their impressive and diverse fleet. It is a prime example of the steps being taken by HyTrEc2 partners to actively engage in the Hydrogen vehicle market.  

Groningen Presentation, Towards Hydrogen Economy, June 2019 

In addition, to physical test vehicles HyTrEc2 is carrying out simulated tests on vehicles which do not exist in the NSP (Large Fork Lift Trucks are not commercially available). Below is a link to the findings of RISE's simulation, which was vital in proving Hydrogen's versatility as a fuel.

Computer simulation of 5-9 tonne fork lift report 

A further presentation below depicts HyTrEc2 process of actively engaging in the large vehicle market in order to promote hydrogen use. The presentation was produced by HyTrEc2 partner Aberdeen and Civitas PORTIS. HyTrEc2 has numerous partner projects across European Union, with whom presentations are often given to advance mutual aims.

Low Carbon Fuel Options for Freight Presentation

Alongside acquiring and developing a vast array of different vehicles HyTrEc2 aims to:

  • operate a Sustainable Transport Living Lab;
  • test and analyse the Hydrogen vehicles' performance in remote regions.

Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Fleet Gap Analysis

With large parts of the North Sea Region consisting of rural or semi-rural hinterland, HyTrEc2 Partners trusted that hydrogen would form an important part of the overall solution for decarbonisation of transport for both freight and commuter journeys in these areas. As a typical North Sea Region rural and semi-rural area, Aberdeenshire Council has now assessed that for its fleet to become zero emission it is not possible to transition to an entire fleet of Battery Electric Vehicles with current technology - and hydrogen vehicles will be needed to fill the gap. 

Living Lab Report

The Province of Drenthe is an authority in the Northern Netherlands with a predominantly rural population and a large number of small and medium sized towns.  Like municipalities across Europe, the Province of Drenthe has to reach net zero. The HyTrEc2 project has enabled Drenthe to trial fuel cell electric vehicles – which offer an opportunity to decarbonise current oil-based alternatives without sacrificing range and service delivery. The attached report gives a Case Study of the Living Lab undertaken.


Low Carbon Hydrogen Production, Storage and Distribution

HyTrEc2 aims to undertake innovative demonstrative projects in hydrogen production, storage and distribution. Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) emit no CO2 well to wheel, however the production of hydrogen can. Water Electrolysis production of hydrogen has the potential to be entirely green, however at present the cost is too high to be viable. HyTrEc2 aims to produce hydrogen with a low/zero carbon footprint at a significantly lower price. Alongside production, HyTrEc2 seeks to involve itself in improving the storage and distribution of Hydrogen, which is particularly important given that much of the North Sea Region is made up of large rural swathes interspersed with towns and cities.

Business Case and Economic Modelling for Green Hydrogen Production

HyTrEc2 Partner, RISE has been steadily collecting information from across the partnership and further afield to develop a detailed report on the Business Case and Economic Modelling for Green Hydrogen Production in the North Sea Region.  This considers how to optimise the business case for green hydrogen using alternative revenue sources for hydrogen production and refuelling stations. The report describes the theory behind how production and distribution of hydrogen can be optimised, giving examples that explore different aspects of hydrogen production, distribution and refuelling stations, including:

- Localised vs. Centralised production of Hydrogen

- Large-Scale Hydrogen Production with Off-shore Wind

- Hydrogen Refuelling Station with Green Hydrogen Production and Additional Revenues

- Hydrogen Production from Variable Renewable Electricity Only


HyTrEc2 partner Aberdeen City Council have been exploring the green Hydrogen production at it's ACHES station.

{Below is a tour of the station that provides some more detailed information.}


ACC Hydrogen Hub Business Case 

In late 2019 Aberdeen City Council commissioned consultant Element Energy to establish whether there was a business case for Aberdeen to become a large scale producer of cost-competitive green hydrogen and whether there would be commercial interest from the market in establishing Aberdeen as a “Hydrogen Hub”. The study, funded through HyTrEc2 with Opportunity North East and Scottish Enterprise evidences that the Hydrogen Hub will be key to unlocking a host of potential economic and environmental opportunities for the region with public sector support. As a result the Council has received significant levels of interest from the Scottish Government Energy Transition Fund to facilitate its delivery. A Joint Venture Partnership between Aberdeen City Council and bp to deliver the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub, known as bp Aberdeen Hydrogen Energy Ltd, has now formed. A video to explain the project can be seen on the AHEL website and they have also produced a video on a scale model of the Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub that can be seen here.

Drenthe Hydrogen Business Case

In March 2020 the Pronvincie Drenthe received the business case they had commissioned from Royal Haskoning DHV. The business case explored the power sources for a new hydrogen refuelling station in the region that would be able to fuel 10 new fuel cell buses.

Other tasks which are necessary to advance hydrogen production, storage and distribution include conducting a detailed survey/report on more remote areas of the NSR to further understand the difficulties facing storage and distribution of H2.

Hydrogen In Ports 

RISE has been working at the forefront of hydrogen developments in Sweden and this latest report for HyTrEc2 demonstrates how important ports are for reducing carbon emissions and the opportunities that hydrogen presents in harbour settings.  There are a rising number of ports that are not only interested in green hydrogen solutions for ships but all for machinery and heavy transport that operates within, to and from harbours.  Harbours have unique potential to increase the overall demand for hydrogen and therefore support the deployment of hydrogen production and infrastructure in the wider region.

Distribution of Hydrogen in Isolated Regions

atene Kom works in tandem with the public sector on large-scale projects, such as HyTrEc2, with a focus on bringing future technologies and infrastructure into rural areas. Hydrogen vehicles will form part of the overall solution for decarbonisation of transport across the North Sea Region and will be a particularly important zero carbon vehicle replacement for both freight and commuting journeys in large rural or semi-rural hinterland areas. Understanding the dynamics between hydrogen production, distribution and storage infrastructure, potential renewable energy assets, the opportunities for training and skills to mitigate against threats such as digitalisation, ageing population, climate change and technological changes is essential to help decarbonise the rural North Sea Region. 


Supply Chain Development 

Supply side inefficiencies are one of the largest obstacles to the expansion of the Hydrogen sector, HyTrEc2 aims to address this. The development of an effective supply chain in the various components of Hydrogen transport is a key element in the reduction of costs. A supply chain is needed for the production, storage and distribution of Hydrogen as well as the maintenance of vehicles. HyTrEc2 intends to establish an effective supply chain network by engaging with various companies. As training is such a key element in supply chain development, HyTrEc2 will create courses for various actors to ensure a blossoming Hydrogen sector. 

2018: Hydrogen Supply Chain Map Aberdeen City Council, Pale Blue Dot

Supply chain mapping is crucial to understand the state of affairs prior to the project. This mapping highlights the strengths and weaknesses in the pre-project market in order to engage with the supply chain in the most effective way. The mapping shall be carried out at the end of the project as well, to assess the growth in the supply chain (i.e the effectiveness of the project) and to identify remaining gaps in the supply chain and training provision in order to provide possible post-project solutions.

{Above is the mapping report carried out by Pale Blue Dot, and below is a diagram which visually summarises the findings.}


2023: Hydrogen Supply Chain Map, UiT The Artic University of Norway

HyTrEc2 Partner, UiT The Arctic University of Norway has also now mapped the supply chain at the end of the project using data collected from Partners over the last six years and the full report can be downloaded via the link above. Given that hydrogen is an energy carrier, the development of its supply chain is dependent on other factors such as the source and distribution of energy to the hydrogen production site. To cover the entirety of the hydrogen supply chain, UiT considers it important to include entities that are involved in producing energy (01), supplying the feedstock for hydrogen production (02) and providing the infrastructure for energy distribution (03). The category, “10 Technology provider” has also been added to distinguish the entities involved in providing hydrogen-related technologies from those that provide other support services like engineering, legal and financial services. This gives rise to a 10-category hydrogen supply chain as can be seen below:



Training Materials

One way in which the HyTrEc2 partners are enabling supply chain development is to provide information on their own journey into the hydrogen sector. Aberdeen City Council has produced an educational booklet, which outlines the different ways the City has incorporated hydrogen into transport and their plans for expansion.

Aberdeen Hydrogen Booklet

This booklet was created by HyTrEc2 in tandem with the Smart Hy-Aware project. The booklet has been distributed to local learning institutions in Scotland as an introductory case study on hydrogen deployment in the region. 

A key aspect of strengthening the supply chain and providing training content is understanding the current situation, which was achieved through the comprehensive HyTrEc2 Skills Framework report developed by atene KOM:

HyTrEc2 Skills Framework

This skills framework will help craft further hydrogen training moving forward: noting what is available, what is needed, and from whom. The report also contains a sample module.

Further tasks will be carried out in order to expand and strengthen the supply chain of Hydrogen, including but not limit to:

  • Engaging with potentially valuable companies who have knowledge/resources already
  • Facilitating networking opportunities between those in and those interested in the supply chain
  • Developing a training module targeted at technician level and above to ensure a supply of skilled labour

Materials relating to these tasks is coming soon!

Nissan env200 Retrofit Learning

As part of work package 3, Vehicle Deployments, Aberdeen City Council deployed an electric Nissan env200 which had been retrofitted with a hydrogen range extender to allow it to run on hydrogen-electric.  The link above allows anyone to view the components of the van and its driving range, etc.

Hydrogen Solutions in Airport Ground Power Equipment

As part of Work Package 4, Green Hydrogen Production, Storage and Distribution, the Province of Drenthe has been working on the delivery of hydrogen Ground Power Units (H-GPU). The results of this study were presented at the Groningen Airport Eelde Workshop by University of Groningen students who assessing the practical learning from the HyTrEc2 GPU conversion.  The full study can be downloaded from the link above and containing sections including:

  • Replacing Diesel-Powered GPUs with Hydrogen-Powered GPUs - A Study Investigating the Environmental Impact of the GPUs and their Supply Chains
  • Economic Effects of Sustainable Energy Supply at Regional Airports: The Transformation Towards Hydrogen Ground Power Units (H-GPUs) at Groningen Airport Eelde
  • Stakeholder Collaboration in an Airport Hydrogen Ecosystem: Investigation of Barriers and Design Advice - Case Study at Groningen Airport Eelde

Online Learning

HyTrEc2 has developed a number of YouTube videos and other online learning tools to share knowledge on HyTrEc2 deliverables.  Click on the links below to find out more!


Events and Meetings

Road to Decarbonisation: H2 Skills to Accelerate the Transition to Net Zero

On the 6th-7th October 2022, the European-funded Interreg North Sea Region HyTrEc2 project and the Erasmus+ HySkills project joined forces to deliver a two-day hydrogen transport training event which was hosted by Aberdeen City Council and North East Scotland College (NESCol) at the NESCol Altens Campus and Cove Hydrogen Refuelling Station.

The current job market requires upskilling to ensure the future labour force is well-equipped with the skills and competency to operate such hydrogen vehicle fleets and other hydrogen-related technologies. Therefore, the European-funded Interreg North Sea Region HyTrEc2 project and Erasmus+ HySkills project have developed separate hydrogen training modules, which are aimed at supporting the current workforce in gaining the required skills in the field of hydrogen/hydrogen transport.

The event, titled "Road to Decarbonisation: H2 Skills to Accelerate the Transition to Net Zero",  brought together students and staff from NESCol, RGU and the University of Aberdeen as well as representatives from local authorities, the motor trade, haulage industry and hydrogen sector.



Introduction to Hydrogen Aberdeen and HyTrEc2

Louise Napier, HyTrEc2 Project Manager, Aberdeen City Council

Hydrogen basics and overview of HySkills modules

Dr Charlie Farrell, South West College

Practical session with Wrightbus

Richard Montgomery, Service Manager (Zero Emissions), Wrightbus

Practical session with ULEMCo

Nic Jones, Business Development Manager and Ryan Peacock, Product Support Engineer, ULEMCo

Introduction to Hydrogen Safety and Hydrogen Storage

Professor Mohamad Mustafa, University of Tromsø

Filling the Skills Gap - ESP on Hydrogen and low carbon courses in colleges

Rachel Tulloch, Sector Manager Energy Transition & Transport, Energy Skills Partnership

Hydrogen applications in and around Aberdeen

Martin McCormack, Director CCUS and Hydrogen, Energy Transition Zone Ltd

Aberdeen Hydrogen Hub and the Energy Transition Skills Needed for the Future

Tom Thayer, Education and Employability Consultant: Aberdeen Hydrogen Energy ltd, bp

Charles Dunbar, Project Execution Manager, bp