
Hydrogen app development EIFI - July 2019

11 July 2019 - Published by Louise Napier
The European Institute for Innovation (EIfI) has set itself the target to create with its partner’s one customer interface for all European hydrogen car drivers by providing a complete, consistent, cross-device interactive HRS application.

Over the past month, the Eifi has been working with its partners on locating all European HRS stations and operators in order to integrate the stations into the app and to convince the operators to participate in the app by providing accurate data. In order to show the European progress in tightening the HRS network, future stations and opening dates of these HRS have been integrated into the app.

Based on the completed task, an availability system has been developed and integrated which is by now providing real time data of the majority of HRS in the North Sea Region through an application programming interface.

This base of real time data and the total number of HRS in one app created the starting point for a pan-European access to all HRS stations for all European hydrogen car drivers. As an initial step for the aspired European wide authorization and payment system, the Eifi Partner H2 MOBILITY Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG has launched an authorization and payment card, which works on all German HRS. From the operators perspective the app provides a tool to generate operational HRS data and European wide statistics for HRS usage, improve the communication and feedback channels between them and their customers and a significant improvement in general HRS usability.

In the next development step, the app is going to integrate tools for maintaining a personal profile such as green statistics, invoices, trips etc. As a final development step. Furthermore, the app is going to provide in the final development stage one payment system for all European HRS stations, based on the experiences on the German payment system.


To view the website go to: https://h2.live/en 

The app can be downloaded here for apple: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/h2-live-for-clean-drivers/id1226579443?l=en

and here for android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.h2.mobility.app.h2live&hl=en