
Groningen presents at seminar 'Towards a Hydrogen Energy Economy' June 2019

30 July 2019 - Published by Louise Napier
In order to achieve the climate goals of the Paris Agreement, the EU, Member States and subnational governments, together with industry and other stakeholders, are actively exploring various ways towards decarbonisation.

The potential of (sustainable) hydrogen as an energy and climate solution is an actively debated topic in academic and policy circles. Practitioners and stakeholders along the energy value chain are looking for ways to translate the potential of hydrogen into practice. This seminar aimed to contribute to solving the implementation puzzle by debating relevant issues with expert panellists from stakeholders involved including governments and industry. It also showcased recent initiatives in the Northern Netherlands as a case study of how a relevant hydrogen energy ecosystem could be developed.    

City of Groningen spoke at this conference on hydrogen as part of HyTrEc2. The presentation can be seen here.