Want to know how to become an active energy citizen? Or how you could facilitate energy communities?Watch EMPOWER TV: inspiring keynotes, exciting interviews and short documentaries. Get inspired by likeminded people exchanging experiences and making plans. Four short broadcasts on how people can get empowered to set up local energy transition initiatives.
The power of energy communities
Closing conference of the EMPOWER 2.0 project
mini documentaries
- week 6, 7-11 February: what is empower(ing)
- week 8, 21-25 February: how to get citizens moving
- week 10, 7-11 March: the empower recommendations
- week 12, 21-25 March: how to empower in practice
EMPOWER TV #1 Getting to know the project
How can you move people to work together on the energy issue? On this question EMPOWER 2.0 gives a solid answer. In this first episode of EMPOWER TV you get acquainted with the project. Virginie Platteau talks to project leader Keijen van Eijk. In the meantime you get to know the location where EMPOWER TV is made: Transfo, a former power station in Zwevegem (BE).
Empower TV #2 - how to empower citizens
In this episode, you will be introduced to the amazing story of Fons in Denmark. There, residents went to work themselves to make energy for the community. In the studio, Virginie Platteau talks to Luciana de Almeida of Essex County Council and we also meet a satisfied customer of Solar Together. Our other studio guests are Dominiek Vandewiele (Leiedal) and Dirk Vansintjan, the chairman of REScoop.eu, the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives. Together, they talk about the role of citizens in the energy transition.
Empower TV #3 - the Empower 2.0 recommendations
This is the episode in which all lessons learned from the EMPOWER 2.0 journey are presented. From the experiences in the different case-studies we have distilled policy advice for local authorities and advice for citizens interested in starting up their own local energy initiative. Both the European Commission and a plethora of local and regional governors give their impression on EMPOWER 2.0 and how this can help them in their work. In the studio Virginie Platteau receives project leader Keijen van Eijk and Suzan Leizinga from EMPOWER 2.0 who worked on the recommendations, as well as Jurgen Vanlerberge, deputy for the province of West-Flanders in conversation with Stijn Vandamme from the West-Flanders administration on how EMPOWER 2.0 had impact on the province. At the end of the episode, the EMPOWER DECLARATION is solemny signed across Europe.
Empower TV #4 - how to empower in practice
The final episode of Empower TV makes a big dive into practice. It shows some inspirational examples on how empowering takes place in Haarlem and in two Zaanstad projects. Two key experts are interviewed. Graham Oakes, system engineer in Cheshire, investigated how people can be empowered in practice, based on the EMPOWER 2.0 experience. Pedro Carvalho from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences gives us a guided tour through the EMPOWER 2.0 toolbox, which offers inspiration, connection, and examples.
This is the final of four episodes. Check also the previous episodes and be fully empowered to join the growing community of citizens and local governments developing your own sustainable energy solutions.