This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.
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Project Partners
Gemeente Zaanstad (NL)
Coöperatieve WeSpark Zaanstreek U.A. (NL)
Hogeschool van Amsterdam (NL)
University of Southern Denmark (DK)
Intercommunale Leiedal (BE)
Provincie West-Vlaanderen (BE)
Essex County Council (UK)
Southend on Sea Borough Council (UK)
Graham Oakes Ltd (UK)
Ghent University (BE)
Middelfart Kommune (DK)
Gemeente Haarlem (NL)
Coöperatie Kennemer Kracht (NL)
Stadsgarage (NL)
Project pilots
Zaanstad (NL)
Haarlem (NL)
Zwevegem (BE)
Kortrijk (BE)
Middelfart (DK)
Essex (UK)
Southend (UK)
EMPOWER 2.0 @ Klimaatfestival Zwevegem, 4 to 6 October 2019
Partner meeting @ Kortrijk (BE), 7-8 October 2019
Kennemer meets Zaanstad: Back to Back session @ Haarlem (NL), 14 November 2019
Online workshop 24/06: Future energy systems: prosumer islands or a new fully interconnected community?
International Hackaton
open energy day haarlem
Closing event EMPOWER 2.0
Output library
EMPOWER 2.0 project approved
EMPOWER 2.0 kickoff meeting in Zaanstad (NL)
Partner meeting in Kortrijk (BE) on 7-8 October 2019
EMPOWER2.0 at nationalt Klimafolkemøde i Middelfart (DK) 26-28/08/2019
EMPOWER2.0 at nationalt Klimafolkemøde i Middelfart (DK) 26-28/08/2019 (1)
Partner meeting in Kortrijk (BE) on 7-8 October 2019 (6/10/19)
Kennemer meets Zaanstad (NL), 14-11-2019 (21/01/20)
Press release: Official launch PV-roof of Haarlem (NL) pilot, 14-01-2020 (21/01/20)
EMPOWER 2.0 @ Klimaatfestival Zwevegem, 4-6 October 2019 (8/10/19)
EMPOWER2.0 webinar, inspired by co2mmunity, 31/3/2020 - 1/4/2020 (21/01/20)
Corona does not slow down sustainable development: online citizen meetings may pave the way! (18/05/20)
Powering positive change at Danbury Park Community Primary School
Empowering Energy Communities in Fons in Denmark
Kennemer Kracht puts solar panel installation in Ijmuiden (NL) into operation (5/06/20)
Webinar | Energy Community Pilot, transfo zwevegem (25/05/20)
Empowering citizens in the energy transition through participation in local renewable energy projects
Føns Nærvarme takes new steps towards even greener energy 1
International attention - Denmark’s newest and smallest citizen run district heating system
VIDEO: In 6 steps to a solar panel collective
Four new cooperative solar roofs with sustainable power for the neighbourhood in Haarlem (Netherlands)
Scientific Article Hakim
Zaanstad buys locally generated energy from local cooperative WeSpark
Solar Together
Partner Meeting
New collective solar roof in Haarlem
Hackaton succes
Guest Lecture | All about energy communities, the Transfo Zwevegem Pilot and DC distribution systems
Baltic Sea Region meets North Sea Region in pairing partner meeting
Regional Energy Participation
Opening Mendel
Students involved in EMPOWER 2.0 win Golden Dot Award
EMPOWER 2.0 meets complementary Interreg programmes
The small village of Føns empowers prosumers in many different ways
toolkit video under construction - views from behind the scene
An exercise in green business traveling
Wespark brings together enthousiast prosumers in the Zaan region
Pilot House Menen
The energy of empower 2.0
Project Stronghouse: "Citizen involvement is key"
implementing LEC legislation will not suffice
middelfart most sustainable destination
Leiedal breakthrough project
Empower 2.0 toolbox offers a guided experience
Collective solar panels on a heritage building in Haarlem Netherlands
The FIX-brigade in Zaanstad
EMPOWER launches learning module
Toolbox for diving into a sea of experience
Empower TV coming soon
EMPOWER TV #1 Getting to know the project
Empower TV #2 - how to empower citizens
Middelfart Municipality wins Climate Prize
Solar together (1)
Project extension
Project extension (1)
teacher's day
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Project Partners
Project pilots
Output library
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