This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.


Kennemer Kracht puts solar panel installation in Ijmuiden (NL) into operation

09 December 2020 - Published by Dominique Dhondt

In the week of 20 April, 80 solar panels of the neighborhoud installation on the roof of 'Stormvogels' in Ijmuiden (NL) have been installed.  This is a project of Empower2.0 partner Kennemer Kracht, in collaboration with the local sustainable energy cooperation Energiek Velsen.  Kennemer Kracht was responsible for the preparations and the coordination during the construction.

The solar panels have been placed in an east-west setup, which supplies more current (kWh) per year.  The inhabitants of Velsen participate in the installation and get a reduction on their energy bill with the value of the induced current.

More information can be found here.