This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.


EMPOWER2.0 at nationalt Klimafolkemøde i Middelfart (DK) 26-28/08/2019

08 December 2020 - Published by Dominique Dhondt
From 26 to 28 August 2019, the nationalt Klimafolkemøde (National People's Climate Meeting) took place at Middelfart (DK).

Transnational Knowledge Sharing on engaging citizens in the green transition was a success when representatives from EU project #COBEN meet up with representatives from EU project #EMPOWER2.0.

From #COBEN project leader Henning Donslund remarked: “Delivering Community Benefits of Civic Energy has pretty much to do with Enabling More People’s Ownership in Energy transition. So today we changed ideas and knowledge and agreed to keep in touch – and maybe even Co-Create.”

The day finished of with joggling with the Sustainability Goals as a symbol for the further partnership between the projects. The meeting was hosted in #Middelfart by head of Climate and Energy, Morten M. Westergaard, in Denmarks most #sustainable town hall.