This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.


Press release: Official launch PV-roof of Haarlem (NL) pilot, 14-01-2020

08 December 2020 - Published by Dominique Dhondt
On Tuesday 14 January, the official opening took place of the Haarlem (NL) pilot, the PV installation on the sports hall of omnisport association 'Onze Gezellen'.

Last September, the PV panels were put on the roof of the sports hall.  Since a few moths, the installation generates clean electricity, which is monitored real-time at the website of Kennemer Kracht.  Inhabitants from Haarlem Noord, Santpoort Zuid en de Velserbroek are participating in this project and contributing actively to the energy transition in the region.  There were a lot of obstacles faced during the project, but it shows that it is in fact possible.  The aim of Kennemer Kracht this year is to realise multiple PV roofs in the region of Kennemerland, with participation of inhabitants. 

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