Provincie West-Vlaanderen (BE)

Partner Description

The Province of West-Flanders has committed itself to become carbon neutral by 2030 (as organisation) and carbon neutral by 2040 (as a territory). To achieve this we support municipalities, communities and local stakeholders in their energy reduction and renewable energy production goals. Our tools are the partnership with the municipality Zwevegem and Leiedal with the Transfo-site as demonstration area for sustainable energy techniques, local community support work for the Covenant of Mayors and the sustainable building centre Acasus. As building manager we care about reducing the carbon footprint of our buildings.


Role in EMPOWER2.0

The goal of the Province of West-Flanders within the project is to develop the Transfo-site as a low or zero-impact zone. Within the Empower2.0 project we are putting together the right partners to jointly help us develop and implement the legal, financial and technical framework to make this happen. Challenge lies in the diversity of users (public, private, SME’s, visitors), diversity of energy demand (large vs. small, continuous vs. discrete) and our wish to develop a local grid ‘on site’ as an educational project. The Province will thus mostly work on the pilot at the Transfo site, but also collaborate with Leiedal on their pilot. At the Transfo site the province will work together with the stakeholders to set up a (smart) microgrid and transform the site into a zero impact zone. The backbone of this grid will be installed to allow on-site education on renewable energy production, storage, and management.

