This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.


Solar Together Essex - highest take up ever!

05 May 2022 - Published by Dominique Dhondt

Solar Together Essex 2022 has been an overwhelming success – the scheme received more than three times the number of people expected to register their interest. And now more than 1,000 people have accepted their offer for a solar panel system and over 90 are retrofitting batteries to their existing solar systems. Due to this increase in demand, the campaign has had to close the decision period earlier as the winning installer reached their capacity for the number of installations possible. As of 3rd May, registrants are no longer able to accept their personal recommendations.

Essex customers will benefit from an average of 36% discount on market prices for solar systems. Over 480 residents attended an online information session on the 20th of April in order to find out more about the products and installation process. The chosen supplier will start to contact customers from June onwards to book a site survey. All installations are planned to be completed by the end of November 2022. The Solar Together Essex 2021 scheme resulted in 504 installations and will avoid 452 tonnes of carbon in the first year.