This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.


Teachers learn about the energy transition

14 October 2022 - Published by Dominique Dhondt

We demonstrated several materials and modules that were developed: our solar cart, our solar boiler, the role-playing game ElectriCity (developed by a student of higher education teacher’s study), the energy database that was built based on Smappee meters and architected by Howest students of Energy management at the Howest; the visualisation application of that energy use that has been developed by students of New Media and Communication Technology of the Howest.

We also showcased the upgrade that we have in mind for the educational adventures Transfo will encounter in the upcoming years. All materials find their home base at the former mechanical and locomotive building at Transfo.

If you want more info on the educational activities or you are excited to know more on the upgrade we have planned (with solar pannels, a windmill, a new ac and dc microgrid, second hand storage and cool interactive learining installations)?

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