COM³ Pilots: Quality Improvement for All Companies
On September 20, 2022 from 13:00-16:00 COM³ partners at CIAM – Cluster on Industrial Asset Management – will give a talk about Quality Improvement as part of the Edu4QI-project.
Quality Improvement is part of every company's essential processes. The University of Stavanger currently partners in with the Gdansk University of Technology in the Edu4QI project, founded by the Iceland, Lichtenstein, and Norway grants. The project's goal is to develop a course for students and companies who want to increase their competencies in quality improvement.
For the university of Stavanger and CIAM, it is essential to supply the industry with students who have relevant competencies in this area. They invite the CIAM community to give feedback, talk about the topics covered in the course, and discuss the relevance and focus of the curriculum with industry partners.
The meeting will be onsite at the University of Stavanger (room tba). Please send an e-mail to if you want to register for the meeting. CIAM members will all get an invitation. The event is also open for UiS students and faculty.
Source: CIAM website
Do you want to learn more about CIAM’s activities within the COM³ project? Check out their pilot success story here.