Meet ESMA: The European Shared Mobility Accelerator

01 November 2021 - Published by Rebecca Karbaumer
On October 20, 2021, the SHARE-North partners and Mpact launched the ESMAccelerator or the European Shared Mobility Accelerator at the CIVITAS Conference in Aachen.

The ESMAccelerator is a tool designed for local governments of all sizes to make their shared mobility policy visible and motivate them to improve and maximize the benefits. The tool consists of multiple and interrelated parameters who play an equally important role in defining whether a city is doing a good (or even great) job in boosting shared mobility.

​The ESMIceberg - What's below the surface?

The interaction between the different parameters is the focal point of the definitive ESMAccelerator-score. Not all of these parameters are equally visible and some are hidden well below the surface. It is fundamental to the ESMAccelerator to not only look at what is visible in the streets (e.g. the amount of shared cars in the city), but also at the larger foundations that are supporting these concrete results.


Therefore the ESMA is using the metaphor of an ‘ESMIceberg’ which is dividing the commitment to shared mobility into three major parts: policy, implementation (both fundamentals underwater), and results (tip of the iceberg).

The main objectives are:

  • Monitoring the progress regarding shared mobility
  • Entering into a positive race to the top
  • Maximizing the impact of shared mobility

Mpact and will support the first 10 cities who apply free of charge.

At Shared Mobility Rocks, on May 25, 2021 in Bremen - the SHARE-North final conference – and Mpact will announce the first results.

Are you interested and do you want to apply for the ESMAccelerator? Please visit their new website