Shared Mobility 101: Good Examples of How to Integrate Shared Mobility into Businesses

13 January 2022 - Published by Rebecca Karbaumer
On December 12, 2021, SHARE-North held its seventh of a series of 10 webinars to accompany the publication of the Project's "Shared Mobility Rocks: A Planner's Guide to the Shared Mobility Galaxy".

In past webinars, we discussed everything from the different types of shared mobility, their impact and how to integrate them into housing developments, mobility hubs and Mobility as a Service (MaaS). But what about a very special target group: businesses and employees? What forms of shared mobility are useful to them and how? How can sustainable and shared mobility be efficiently integrated into company mobility strategies and communicated effectively to commuting employees?

These questions will be addressed by Kaysie Mclean from the Westyorkshire Combined Authority’s Travel Plan Network Team (UK) and Aurelie Van Obbergen from Intercommunale Leiedal, a Flemish regional authority in our one-hour webinar on Shared Mobility Integration in Company Mobility Strategies on December 10th, 2021.

Kaysie’s presentation can be downloaded here: WYCA's Travel Plan Network - Supporting Businesses to Integrate Shared Mobility

Take a look at Aurelie’s presentation here: Promoting Shared Mobiltiy in Companies and Business Parks

You can also view the recording of the full webinar here.