Catch up on SHARE-North's Webinar on "Big Solutions for Small Places: Promoting (Shared) Mobility Innovations in Rural Areas"
In his talk, G-PaTRA’s Dr. Koen Salemink addressed transnational issues regarding digitalization and rural mobility. Based on research conducted across the North Sea Region, he advocated a rural scope and a rural-based approach in mobility policies to safeguard the rural interest in a predominantly urban policy field.‘Sustaining Mobility in Rural Areas: The Need for a Rural Scope’
Following this introduction, SHARE-North’s Jeffrey Matthijs gave numerous successful examples of how to make car-sharing and ride-sharing work in rural and less densely populated areas via a bit of creativity, innovation and dedication. He included practical examples of sharing local governmental fleets, shared drivers, local mobility hubs, communication campaigns and more. 'Translating Shared Mobility for Rural Areas: the Rosetta Stone for Car-Sharing in Small Towns’
You can download the presentations from today's webinar here.