Industry 4.0 Awareness/Readiness tool

Find out what the position of your organisation is regarding to Industry 4.0.

Based on the aspects of digitisation, regulatory considerations and readiness of a company, this assessment tool is structured into five categories:

Business models and products
Market & Customer Access
Value Chain & Processes
Legal considerations and Cyber/IT Security
Strategy and Experience on Industry 4.0

You will answer a set of questions for each category. When you have completed the questions, you will see the summary results, which will give an indication of your firm's position relative to Industry 4.0.

The tool is modular and scalable. It's WEB based and can be accessed by PC from all places with Internet access.

Target Audience:
Managers in an SME who want to take advantage of Industry 4.0 tools to realise the full digitisation of a company’s operation, the redesign of products or closer interaction with customers.

Effort needed:
The “Industry 4.0 Awareness/Readiness tool” is for free; it has been researched, developed and tested in the GrowIn 4.0 program funded by the EU.

The tool is ready to be used in English and Danish. Select your preferred language at the top right of the tool’s welcome pagewelcome page.

Ready for you to use! Click here!