Big Data Game

The objective of the Big Data Game is to give participants insight in data driven innovations through the experience of a game.

This is a game for anyone who is interested in big data but doesn't know what to do with it. It is an interesting experience, regardless of the size of the company. The game is all about developing a data driven Innovation: you are made to think about what kind of data driven innovation you can apply in your company. An important aspect is also cooperation - cooperation between disciplines, but also between companies. The game can be played with multiple companies. It is also a way to start a conversation about the value of data in an organization and how you can get more out of data.

Data driven innovations have lots of opportunities. New Services and Products rely for a very large part on the acquisition, storage and analysis of data. Despite the opportunities, few companies know where to start. 

TNO Netherlands has developed the Big Data Game to introduce the possibilities of Big Data in companies. The Big Data Game focusses on the following questions: Can the DDI be implemented by one organization, or is collaboration needed? With whom? What is more important, having the data, having the algorithm, having the market? What assets need to be developed, and in which order? How can I exploit important assets, like a unique dataset?

Target audience:
The game is mainly aimed at companies and employees who are just starting, or willing to start, with Big Data and who don’t have much knowledge yet.

Effort needed:
The game can be played in half a day (4 hours). Firstly there is a presentation and explanation about the game and Big Data. Then the game is played and finally there is an evaluation of how the lessons learned can be put into practice.

The game requires a trained consultant who has access to the board game and is able to supervise the process. The cost is approximately € 1.500. The game can be played with 5 - 10 participants in a room with a large table.

Tested within the project in 10-15 companies in three countries. Companies evaluate it as attractive because it is an actual game you can win. Companies are enthousiastic, but trained facilitators are necessary, with some knowledge on big data and IT to facilitate it.

More information can be found here