About the GrowIn 4.0 project
Welcome to GrowIn 4.0's webspace. GrowIn 4.0 is a project co-funded by the North Sea Region Programme 2014 - 2020.Latest news:
Another productive meeting in Groningen, The Netherlands!
The manufacturing industry is very important for the North Sea Region economy and remains a driver for growth.
The focus of the GrowIn 4.0 project will be the common challenges manufacturing SMEs throughout the NSR face today, and the opportunities they bring. Many of these SMEs are moving toward the fourth industrial revolution - Industry 4.0 - which is regarded as the industry of tomorrow.
If the manufacturing industry in the NSR is to remain competitive, we need to capture the potential for productivity and growth that Industry 4.0 appears to offer. There is a profound need for an experience based and smart gathering of efficient methods, tools and knowledge to guide SMEs in their transformation towards Industry 4.0.
GrowIn 4.0 aims to build strong competences and tools in the participating regions for the benefit of manufacturing SMEs. The approach is to establish a strong partnership which pools knowledge on the manufacturing industry and Industry 4.0. Main challenges and solutions in regards of implementing Industry 4.0 will be investigated.
The resulting collections of new or improved methods and tools - developed in interaction with SMEs - will be universal within different areas of the NSR.
The project is organised in 5 work packages:
- work package 1 - project management
- work package 2 - communication
- work package 3 - new business models and strategy development
- work package 4 - better use of technology and development of products
- work package 5 - training, education and recruitment of Industry 4.0 qualified staff