
Podcast - Climate motivation: what can we learn from the Netherlands?

25 March 2020 - Published by Alistair Maltby
How can we motivate the public to take an active role in developing climate change solutions? Tune into the latest episode of Rambling About Rivers to find out!

In this Rambling About Rivers episode, Dan and Jayne are joined by Floris Boogard, Professor at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Floris is also a co-founder of ClimateCafé, a global citizen science movement.

ClimateCafé aims to motivate the wider public to participate in the fight against climate change, combining arts and science to create innovative climate solutions. ClimateCafé is very much a global community, powered by individual, corporate, and academic climate change influencers. The movement raises awareness and mentors capacity building in terms of climate adaptation.

In this episode, we speak about the importance of involving young people in conversations about climate change, and hear more about some of the different approaches taken by countries across the globe. In addition, Floris tells us more about some of the fantastic solutions ClimateCafé has generated thus far.  If drones and floating islands are your thing, give it a listen below.

This podcast is sponsored by WaterCo-Governance (WaterCoG) project under the Interreg North Sea Region VB programme, funded by the European Regional Development Fund