Increasing number of seals in the Limfjord and its streams - citizens / stakeholders can actively contribute to better knowledge
The Limfjord Council has received a request from the Limfjord Society - an association of fishermen's associations around Limfjorden - which has asked the council to coordinate a collection of knowledge about where seals are and where they may cause problems.
In recent years, the number of complaints from lakes and recreational fishermen in the Limfjord catchment area has grown over the genes of seals on fisheries. In particular, there are reports of seals that migrate into the watercourses, and here the fishery fights. According to anglers, this is a relatively new phenomenon. In this connection, there has been a desire to regulate the protected seal stock. The Limfjord Council wants to listen and contribute to the gathering of more knowledge about the extent of genes on seafood fishing. The Limfjord Council has decided to provide an electronic service for anyone wishing to report observations of seals in the Limfjord and its streams.
The collected results will be used by researchers from Aarhus University and the Technical University of Denmark and will be included in a research work that have been undertaken by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
The Limfjord Council finds it is important, in cooperation with the citizens around the Limfjord, actively to contribute to a better knowledge base about the seals in the Limfjord by providing facts about it to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
In line with the purpose of WATERCOG, the desire of the Limfjord Council is to contribute to active participation of stakeholders and civil society - to improve implementation of the Water Framework Directive.
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Photo credit: Niels Vedel