Interpretation and modeling
Hydrological and geological tools will be applied and developed to prepare the basis for new management. Further development of methods that are able to map and model the geology in the shallow subsurface. These methods will be based on geophysical as well as geological and hydrogeological data that will be integrated and interpreted.
The objectives of the work package are to:
• Analyze hydrogeological data from the North Sea region on geology, groundwater and surface waters.
• To set up models of varying complexity to analyze the data and hydrogeological systems in question.
• To carry out predictions of the impact of future changes in land use, water management and climate change on water resources and groundwater quantitative and chemical status according to the Water Framework Directive. The work is joint in the TRT.
Modelling will be a tool to investigate flooding and inundation in urban and rural areas and to investigate the potential to use groundwater reservoirs as buffers to store water in periods of excess rainfall.
The expected increasing problems with salt water intrusion into coastal freshwater reserves will be further investigated through state of the art advanced density-dependent modelling tools in combination with a basic understanding of the geological structures are required to make reliable predictions of the risk of saltwater intrusion.
Further, the capacity degradation of nutrients (as well as other hazardous pollutants) in the uppermost layers will be investigated.
GEUS is responsible for Work package 5.
Related documents:
- Final report pilot NL1B - Dutch (27/02/2019)
- Water Quality Drentse Aa and Hunze: modelleren swap-swat + English summary (24/02/2019)
- Water Quality Drentse Aa and Hunze: Rapportage scenarios - Dutch (05/07/2019)
- NL2 - pilot Dwarsdiep: end report; (25/11/2019)
- NL2 - pilot Dwarsdiep: end report; English summary (25/11/2019)
- Workshop on groundwater and flooding (28/11/2017
- Discussion on Meltwater till Nederland (21/06/2018)
- Saltwater intrusion under climate change in North-Western Germany