NL 2: Sustainable Dwarsdiep catchment
Responsible beneficiary: WBHA
The aim of the project is to get a better grip on the increased leaching of nutrients and pesticides due to climate change and to determine measures together with the farmers in the area. Project will contain three different pilot areas.
• Drentsche Aa with combination of agricultural use and nature
• Hunze-Veenkolonien with mostly agricultural use
• Dwarsdiep with mostly agricultural use
Impact of pesticides will be investigated in the Drentsche Aa (from which also drinking water is extracted), nutrients will be investigated in all three pilot areas.
The objectives are:
• Modelling to find the most risky places for leaching and run of of nutrients;
◦ a. Map with areas where run off of nutrients and pesticides are most likely to occur.
• Model to quantify the effects of measures on diminishing run off and leaching.
◦ a. Determine the effect of measures based on sustainable farming in pilot areas
◦ b. Packages of mitigating measures for agriculture
• Create support from farmers
• Implement some measures in pilots.
• Support from stakeholder organizations of agriculture for the mitigating measures
• Experience with implementation of some of the mitigating measures in pilots
Stakeholders: farmers, drinking water companies, regional Water Authority Hunze en Aa's and Noorderzijlvest, Provincie Drenthe, Provincie Groningen.