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C5a kicks off by putting pieces together

19 February 2019 - Published by Jens Uvijn

The C5a partners formally kicked off the project in Brussels, 7th to 8th of February. The launch was finalized when the participators put together the pieces of a giant puzzle representing the partners and the project. All the partners were represented and everyone that attended made the two days a great success.

The C5a project that is combining the outcomes of seven ongoing Interreg North Sea Region projects and wants to deliver a cloud-to-coast approach for the management of flood risk was formally kicked off in Brussels. The first day was an internal event where all the 10 project partners came together to validate the working plan of the project.

The second day was the formally Launch where stakeholders and guests were invited.
Koen van der Werff, Head of section Flood Risk Management at Rijkswaterstaat and Chair of Steering Group of C5a held a welcome speech and Egon Baldal, Project leader of C5a introduced the project. The key note speaker Professor Dr Christopher Spray of Dundee University gave an inspiring talk about integrated water management solutions for climate change.

During the afternoon, all guests participated in a lower house discussion and debated on statements that gave both reflection and laughter. When then a giant puzzle with pictures and logos from all the organization participating in C5a was puzzled by the steering group and younger project members, C5a was formally launched.

