Saline Futures Conference

Venue: Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Adressing change and food security

10-13 September 2019

The aim of this conference is to showcase the global potential of saline agriculture.  All stakeholders are invited, including political decision-makers, business operators, land managers, civic society, researchers and research planners.  With your participation, we aim to create a platform for researchers and research-users to enhance food production on saline lands.

Research underway in the North Sea countries and elsewhere in the world illustrates the vast and as yet underrated potential of growing food on soils generally qualified as saline. Food production on present and future saline soils deserves the world’s attention particularlybecause 1) food security is a pressing issue, 2) millions of hectares of degraded soils are available world-wide, 3) fresh water is becoming increasingly scarce, and 4) global sea-level rise threatens food production in fertile coastal lowlands.

The conference intends to build on the conclusions of earlier conferences, such as FAO’s Global Forum on Salinization and Climate Change, Salinity Forum and ICBA’s International Workshop on Climate Change and Soil Salinity Dynamics.


Presentations, papers and posters will be invited on the following themes:

 Saline agriculture as a means of adapting to climate change and sea level rise

  • Fresh water management in potentially saline soils
  • Revitalization of saline degraded lands
  • Economics and financing of saline farming and products
  • Microbiology of soils and plants
  • Innovation and practical experience at farm level
  • Experiments and promising crops
  • Regional policies, politics and governance on salinization
  • Awareness raising and capacity building for saline farming

 Other related research topics can be added. 

Please visit the website for more information!