Work on the Sullied Sediments Project is Underway
Work on the Sullied Sediments Project is UnderwayThe Sullied Sediments project was officially launched at our kick-off meeting in Amsterdam in January 2017. We were delighted to be joined by representatives from the Joint Secretariat, our beneficiaries and advisory partners for an in-depth discussion about the practical delivery of our project and the outputs, results and impact we are striving to achieve. It was a great opportunity to meet new colleagues and see the partnership come together for the first time. We are looking forward to the next three years!
Since the kick-off meeting, our work package leads and their colleagues have been hard at work on the first phases of delivery. In addition, we have started to plan for our first annual meeting, which will be held in Hull, UK, on 25-27September 2017. Hull is the UK's City of Culture so we are looking forward to welcoming our partners to the city and share this special occasion.