
Things are heating up in Sonderborg

02 December 2021 - Published by Deirdre Buist
A ‘news nugget’ from wintery Denmark. Despite the recent heavy snowfall, the latest results from Sonderborg indicate that, in terms of retrofit, things are really heating up there. Stronghouse partners at ProjectZero have been doing the numbers and informed us of their latest success. More than 2,500 energy renovation projects have been completed in just 10 months. This great result is indicative of the tangible progress our porject is making.

In 2021, a record number of families in the Sonderborg area have energy renovated their homes, thereby reducing the owner-occupied homes' CO2 emissions by more than 4 tonnes. Many families have been working to improve the comfort of their homes - with more than 2,500 completed renovation projects so far.

The city has witnessed exceptionally high activity at local district heating companies and a shortage of tradesmen and skilled workers in this sector. As part of Stronghouse, ProjectZero invests in informing and training energy renovation stakeholders so that the renovation wave can be accelerated further.

Read more about ProjectZero

Read our takeaways from the Sonderborg Climate Neutrality Conference