
The ProjectZero Way – engaging tips

31 January 2021 - Published by Deirdre Buist
In the transition to sustainable, energy-efficient living, Stronghouse supports the needs and wants of individual homeowners and neighbourhoods by relating to their motivations through Personas and Customer Journeys. The project adjusts and improves current support measures while developing new ones where needed. Stronghouse partner ProjectZero recently shared lessons learned and tips with the consortium in terms of how to engage with homeowners and other stakeholders.

Between 2018 – 2025, ProjectZero wants to reduce the carbon-emissions in the built environment in Sonderborg with 35,000 ton CO2, with a focus on homeowners. This is only possible with a strong engagement and alignment of all stakeholders: homeowners, craftsmen, municipal authorities and financial institutions. Therefore, ProjectZero reaches out to them in workshops and together they follow the 11-step Customer Journey.

Customer Journey & Personas 

The Customer Journey was developed during EU projects REFURB and ActNow and this will be refined in the Stronghouse project. The insights in the drivers of homeowners and other stakeholders are presented in Personas. Customer Journey and Personas help to develop a Value Proposition for homeowners. Subsequently this value proposition is the basis to inform homeowners about the available enabling instruments and neighbourhood initiatives. and to involve SMEs and other businesses. Together with stakeholders the Customer Journey, Persona’s and Value proposition are the basis for a targeted “adoption strategy”.

Discoveries & tips

Based on these models ProjectZero has discovered that:

  • Energy renovation is more than just about money. Comfort, indoor and climate change are also important drivers.

  • Nudging is a useful method. ProjectZero works with iNudgeyou. “The banks don’t fall for the technical aspects, but need tools, marketable messages etc.

  • Act on opportunities and be aware of the timing/accelerating opportunities

  • Reach out to rural communities. There are local differences (e.g. is there a district heating network?).

  • Target at a local community level and be prepared for their questions.

  • Create social platforms. Interaction requires a burning platform, a message, a tool.



Connecting despite Covid-19

As is the case everywhere considering Covid-19 restrictions, it requires creative solutions to remain connected and engaged.  ProjectZero implemented several hybrid workshops with a mix of physical meetings and people in a Facebook-live video-transmission. Q&A from both platforms was available during these events.

Main storyline at these workshops discussed how to strengthen cooperation in Sonderborg with regards to climate change and how to adapt owner occupied homes to meet future requirements?

You can learn more and benefit from ProjectZero‘s targeted recommendations, advice, adoption strategies and more in the ProjectZero Communication & Adoption Strategy.

Read more about Stronghouse partners ProjectZero and iNudgeyou 



