Stronghouse E-Learning 4 – Let’s get to work!
Stage 4 gives an overview of renovation opportunities, such as insulation, as well as on site energy production and addresses the pros and cons of renovations, whether undertaken step by step or as one big project.
What are the best options?
Once homeowners are motivated by the potential benefits to take action, the real work can start by first deciding on the actual renovation measures and then on how to implement these. All at once or step-by-step approach, depending on the situation. Is there a local heat network available or is an individual renewable energy supply the best option? The Stronghouse challenge is to help homeowners find the right answers to these questions.
Learn more about:
- Helping homeowners understand their house and the technical possibilities
- The important balance between insulation and ventilation
- A range of home renovation options to maximize individual renewable energy solutions and fossil fuel independence.
So, let’s get to work!
You will need approximately 30 minutes to complete this 4th course. This e-learning course is free and builds on the results and experience of the Interreg North Sea Region project Stronghouse and its partners. You can start and interrupt the course any time you want.
Missed the beginning? Access all courses here.