Meet the Partners – The City of Ghent
Between 2007and 2018 emissions were reduced by 20%, and now Ghent is aiming for a 40% reduction by 2030. To help achieve this goal, Ghent wants to improve its current digital tool Check-je-huis (Check-My-Home) together with the Stronghouse partners.This open data tool is already being used by many other municipalities, who also hope to use the next version.
Improved tool
The improved and more effective Check-My-Home tool will be used to increase energy renovation by individual homeowners. For this Ghent hopes to profit from the knowledge and instruments already developed by the Stronghouse partners. Together the Stronghouse collaboration will use shared insights and understandings in terms of what the triggers and barriers are for homeowners regarding energy renovation to improve the tool.
The Check-My-House will be expanded to include:
The link with Energy Performance Certificates
A connection to local SMEs
Improved conversion
Pilot & adaptation
Together with partners at IGEMO, the City of Ghent will pilot this improved tool and adapt it to the city itself. Ghent will focus on the content of these improvements and how to fit these in the existing tool. The open data tool will then be available for all interested municipalities.
Read more about the Check je Huis Tool (Dutch)
Read more about Stad Gent