Meet the Partners: Robert Gordon University
Within the project RGU will mainly contribute by developing an App or web-based tool to assist homeowners to make the best decision when undertaking an energy Improvement project in their home. In this the university will work closely with Orkney Island Council.
Housing typologies and construction types are variants that often direct solutions offered by, for example, insulation companies. Not all homeowners are familiar with what is driving these solutions and these may not always be the most appropriate for their own situation.
Scott Sutherland School
Sustainable Housing is one of the four primary areas of research undertaken in the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & Built Environment, one of the oldest Schools of its kind in the UK. The school plays an important role in the Stronghouse project and contributes a strong social ethos - with research underpinning all activities.
Recognized success
In collaboration with the construction industry, Robert Gordon University has elaborated on many innovative solutions in various research projects and is recognized both nationally and internationally through various successful demonstration projects with the industry.
The university is continually in discussion with insulation installers and manufacturers to develop appropriate solutions for different types of buildings – with a focus on the most vulnerable.
RGU contacts:
Dr Amar Bennadji – Principal Investigator:
Andy Grinnall – Stronghouse project manager for RGU and co-beneficiary: