Welcome to SEEV4-City's formal webspace! SEEV4-City is an Interreg project co-funded by the North Sea Region Programme 2014 - 2020.

Core mission:

The core of the SEEV4-City project is making a huge step forward in green city development by a smart combination of electric vehicles, renewable energy sources and ICT solutions.




It contains 6 operational, long term pilots in 5 cities in 5 European countries aiming for:
  • An increase in energy autonomy
  • An increase of ultra-low emission kilometres
  • Avoiding extra investments to make existing electrical grids compatible with an increase in electro mobility and local energy production


Latest news

  • The article "Multi-Objective Techno-Economic-Environmental Optimisation of Electric Vehicle for Energy Services" (MOTEEO), has been published in Applied Energy. Until 12/12/2019 you can read the article for free at 
  • SEEV4-City is representing Priority 4 at the Joint Meeting of the two thematic working groups "Energy & Climate Change" & "Transport" of the North Sea Commission, a close partner of the Interreg North Sea Programme, will hold a joint meeting titled "How can transnational cooperation in the North Sea Region contribute to overall climate goals?" on Thursday, 28 February form 9h00 till 14h00 in the House of the Dutch Provinces in Brussels. SEEV4-City is honoured that by doing this, it will help define the new North Sea Commission strategy. Read more here!


  • During technical session 4B of the IEEE Smart Grids 4 Smart Cities 2018 (26-28 November 2018) in Genk, Belgium, SEEV4-City organised their second mid-term event. Subject of this session: " A debate about the future of V2G and Smart Charging". Get more information here!


  • The first of two SEEV4-City mid-term events was held on the 17th October in Paris, France. The policy-oriented event "Electromobility in practice-solutions experiences & lessons learnt" was organised in cooperation with Interreg's CleanMobilEnergy project.


  •  On the 29th June of 2018, our partner the Johan Cruijff Arena launched their 3 megawatt energy storage system! The system provides a more reliable and efficient energy supply and usage for the stadium, its visitors, neighbours, and the Dutch energy grid. It is the largest European energy storage system using second-life and new electric vehicle batteries in a commercial building! Read more here!
  • The Operational Pilot Brochure presents the innovative nature, context and ambitions of the SEEV4-City Operational Pilots. Read it here!
  • The second SEEV4-City newsletter: a short update about the Loughborough Living Lab. Read about our only Vehicle to Home-pilot here!

  • The 25th of April, Hugo Niesing presented at TEN-T Days 2018 in Lublijana, Slovenia, talking about "Clean Mobility projects in Amsterdam".
  • The 17th of April, our project manager Hugo Niesing gave the webinar "Accelerating European cities’ energy transition through renewable energy & clean mobility. Demonstration, upscaling and planning of smart charging & vehicle-to-grid technologies" organised by Simpla.
  • The 12th of April, our Norwegian partner Sture Portvik gave a presentation at the EV Trend Korea 2018 titled: "The Future is Electric–Experiences from the World’s first mass market for electric vehicles, Oslo" in Seoul, South-Korea.
  • The 19th of March, our very own Prof. Ghanim Putrus (Northumbria University) gave his keynote talk "Sustainable Green Energy Autonomy in a Smart Grid" at the 15th IEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices 2018 (SSD2018)in Hammamet, Tunisia.
  • Read the State-of-the-Art summary report to get a quick overview on the state of the art of smart charging, V2G, electro mobility, renewable energy sources, ...
  • The first SEEV4-City newsflash about current V2G projects in Europe! Read about the 18 different European projects here!

  • The Vulkan project of our partner the city of Oslo was cited as an example of smart charging hubs in the annual rapport of the World Economic Forum 2018.
  • The 11th of January, our project manager Hugo Niesing co-hosted a V2G webinar about "V2X" & "The introduction of new businesses for renewable energy and ultra-low emission mobility services". You can access the webinar recordings here.
  • "Exploiting the synergies between electric vehicles and solar power for a cost-effective integration", the subject of the CEE Power Event (16 January 2018, DTU Denmark) where you could have met Prof. Ghanim Alesha Putrus (Northumbria University), to discuss the challenges and opportunities of EV's in support of the smart grid.
  • On the 21st of December, SEEV4-City sent their first newsletter discussing our Operational Pilot in the city of Amsterdam to 580 Interested contacts. Read it here yourself!
  • The 2017 Polis Conference from the 6th till the 7th December in Brussels was attended by our Oslo and Amsterdam partners. Did you join the conversation there?
  • During Flexcon 2017 (20 – 21 November), project manager Hugo Niesing represented SEEV4-City with his talk “Towards a renewable, independent, flexible neighbourhood in Amsterdam”. But also Daan Six (KULeuven) gave a talk about “The role of system operators in a distributed energy Landscape” at Flexcon.

  • Bram Rotthier (KU Leuven) presented his paper "Is the speed pedelec the light electric vehicle that will achieve a modal shift?" on the World Light Electric Vehicle Summit (22 to 23 November, Rotterdam). 
  • The SEEV4-City project was represented by Ghanim Putrus (Northumbria University), at the IEEE Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT) Conference from the 11th till the 13th October. For his keynote speech “Towards Sustainable Clean Energy and Transport”, Ghanim received together with other keynote speakers an honorary certificate from Professor Turki Al-Suleiman, the president of Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan.

  • Several SEEV4-City pilots were presented during the EVS30 conference, that took place in Stuttgart from 9 to 11 October 2017.


  • Bram Rotthier (KU Leuven) is co-presenter on a lecture series of Volta in all Flemish provinces, on the topics of electric vehicle charging, related challenges and the SEEV4-City project. The presentations are planned on:
    • 27nd September in Geel
    • 29nd September in Brussels
    • 12th October in Hasselt
    • 18nd October in Sint-Denijs-Westrem
    • 25th October in Kortrijk
    • 8th November in Boom
    • 22nd November in Kortrijk
    • 6th December in Sint-Denijs-Westrem


  • New report on our pilot in the Dutch capital: Towards emission free traffic in Amsterdam





  • Sebastien Lefebvre from the Belgian pilot in Kortrijk explains in "Het Nieuwsblad" (in Dutch) that the city is aiming to be energy neutral in 15 years and how SEEV4-City is supporting them in this.