14.10.2019: Meet the buyer event - Cambridge Innovation Parks

Venue: Cambridge Innovation Park, Denny End Road, Waterbeach, Cambridge CB25 9QE (United Kingdom)


Innovation and needs of our buyer

Cambridge Innovation Parks combines premium office space with additional amenities to create an ideal environment for high-tech companies to grow, from their very inception through to the point at which they need to start scaling up and beyond.

Cambridge Innovation Parks are looking for the latest innovations in Energy, Renewables, Energy Storage, Carbon Storage, Local Materials and Building Control Systems for application in both new build scenarios and in retrofitting of older buildings.

See the buyer profile for more information.


How to participate?

The Meet the Buyer event is invite only. Start-ups and scale-ups are subject to certain criteria as well as a review process in order to qualify. Matched companies will have one-to-one meetings with Cambridge Innovation Park.



If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Anthony Baltz by sending an email to and indicate the interest of your company in the Buyer’s case by 25th September 2019. You can also contact your regional SCALE-UP partner.