
The final conference of SalFar will be held from 5-6 April 2022 at the Grand Theatre, Grote Markt 35, 9711 LV Groningen

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

  • 9:00 Registration

  • 10:00 Start of Final Conference - Welcome speech by Henk Staghouwer, Minister for agriculture, nature and food security (Video) 

  • 10:15 Plenary session
    • Saline Farming – Innovative agriculture to protect the environment and reduce freshwater consumption. Introduction to the SalFar project by Project Coordinator Angelica Kaus, Province of Groningen
    • Living Labs for Saline Farming: Salt tolerant crops for future farming, new products, services, and processes. Presentation of results from more than 20 test fields in the North Sea Region by Prof. Henrik Aronsson, University of Gothenburg
    • Saline Farming in various soil conditions by Prof. Åsgeir R. Almås, Norwegian University of Life Science (NMBU)

  • 11:30 SalFar and follow-up programme Interreg VIb Northsea Region by Hans Wevers, project advisor Interreg Secretariat Viborg, Denmark

  • 12.15 Busses ready for excursion to test fields SPNA Agro Research, Kollumerwaard and Double Dyke, Bierum – Bocht van Watum (Lunchboxes on board of bus)

  • 13:15 Arrival SPNA Kollumerwaard. Presentation of field trials SPNA by Carina Rietema, researcher SPNA

  • 14:00 Visit test fields, irrigation system, mixing station

  • 15:15 Continue trip to Bierum, Double Dyke area. Presentation of the Double Dyke Concept during bus trip by Gert Noordhoff, Yvonne Bos, project leaders Double Dyke Project

  • 16:15 Guided tour around the Double Dyke, Gert Noordhoff, Yvonne Bos, project leaders Double Dyke

  • 18:00 Return to Groningen Hotels

  • 19:30 Saline Dinner by chef Flang in de Pan (Terschelling), Statenzaal Province of Groningen


Wednesday, 6 April

  • 9:00 Registration, tea and coffee

  • 9:30 Business strategies for Saline Farming
    • Unique food from innovative farming conditions by Thayna Mendanha, Aarhus University, Denmark
    • Business models for eco-innovative food production by Dorte Storper, SAGRO, Denmark
    • Toolkit for quality measurements of saline farming, “Guide for Saline Food”, North Sea Region Brand for sustainable food production by Louise Krogh-Johnson, Food & Bio Cluster Denmark (FBCD)

  • 10:30 Coffee break

  • 11:00 Keynote: How climate must change the way we look at food by Ambassador Marcel Beukeboom, Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations in Rome

  • 11:30 New initiatives to promote saline agriculture: 
    • Knowledge cluster salinization. Prof. Theo Elzenga, University of Groningen
    • Saline Water & Food Systems Partnership - a Dutch initiative to increase impact.Frans Verberne, Sabrina Kraaienberg-Doetjes, The Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) and Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP)
    • BILK project, Dr. Frank Gaupels, Ökowerk Emden

  • 12:30 Lunch

  • 13:30 Saline Farming - climate adaptive agriculture for future generations?
    • Panel discussion: Frank Ahlhorn, Wadden Sea Forum; Robert Caudwell, UK, farmer, president of the European Union of Water Management Associations; Kate Negacz, vice president of the International Network on Salt Affected Soils (INSAS), Louise Krogh-Johnson, Business Development Manager, Food& Bio Cluster Denmark (FBCD); Bas Bruning, The Salt Doctors; Peter Prins, knowledge platform “Zoet-Zout knooppunt”.

  • 15:00 Summary panel discussion, future challenges in terms of climate change and adaptive
    agriculture by Prof. Pier Vellinga, Waddenacademie

  • 15:15 Presentation of the Inspiration Guide for Saline Farming by Wim van Isacker Vlaamse Landmaatschappij, Jeroen de Waegemaeker, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, ILVO

  • 16:00 Drinks, refreshments and fare-well

Changes in the programme may occur.

