Norwegian University of Life Sciences

The Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) has expertise on agronomy and soil science at lab, greenhouse and field scale, addressing growing conditions for plants, particularly soil chemical and physical parameters, and plant nutritional aspects, also in response to climatic conditions. Focus on how climate change affects local populations’ livelihoods, their adaptation and local management of natural resources. Policy analysis of agriculture, environm. protection and climate adaptation plans and their implementation at local level.

Role in SalFar

WP 3,4: They will contribute with studies on soils and growing conditions on test sites/field trials. Open field trial in Norway for investigating and monitoring the impact of sea water on soil parameters, including different test crops and experimental testing of management practices to amend these effects. WP 6: Policy analysis + participative research in local communities, policy recommendations are provided in dialogue with local and national stakeholders. Run capacity + governance workshops.

Norwegian University of Life Sciences
P.O. Box 5003
1430 Ås
