ILVO, Institut voor Landbouw and Visserij Onderzoek is a leading governmental research institute which conducts fundamental, policy-supportive and practice-oriented scientific research in the field of agriculture and fishery. It comprises two legal entities, ILVO and EV ILVO. Through the multi-disciplinary Social Sciences Unit, a diversity of knowledge sources can be used, theoretical and methodological frameworks and both quantitative and qualitative techniques be applied.

Role in SalFar

ILVO will contribute with its expertise in participatory processes and will support WP 6 in organizing awareness raising and capacity building events. As the innovative concept of saline agriculture is dismissed as undesirable by many farmers and authorities, ILVO will provide academic support for the educational programs of the SalFar partnership. The methodology will include workshops, focus groups, explorative and in-depth interviews, farmer trips, farmer cafés, workshops for reg. authorities.

Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, ILVO
Burgemeester van Ganseerghelaan 115 box 2
9820 Merelbeke
