
5th SalFar partner meeting in Leeuwarden

07 October 2019 - Published by Dorte Storper
“The project is well on track and great progress has been made since last time the partners met in Denmark in May”, the project manager Angelica Kaus stated during the fifth SalFar partner meeting on 9 September.

Every 6 months the project partners of SalFar meet to present and discuss the progress of the project and plan next steps. This time the partner meeting was held in Leeuwarden in the Netherlands. Usually, that partner meetings are conducted over two days, however, this time it was squeezed into one day as the meeting was held in conjunction with the international Saline Futures Conference organized by the SalFar partners.

As usual, each work package leader gave a presentation on project developments and the current status in relation their specific areas. Henrik Aronsson from the University of Gothenburg (UGOT), who is work package leader of WP4 “Living Labs for saline farming: new products, services and processes” informed the partners that a great learning process is going on and it has led to even more test fields which are already generating results. For instance, in Germany they have been able to harvest Salicornia 4 weeks earlier than usual. Field trials are taking place in Norway, UK, Texel, Denmark, Germany and Sweden and next year SPNA will also be conducting field trials.

In work package 5 “Business strategies for eco-innovative food production” the WP leader Dorte Storper form VIFU put the partners into work be arranging a workshop where the partners were to brainstorm about which words, they associated with eco-innovative authentic production of food deriving form saline farming. The purpose of the workshop was to get the partners to consider which values they want to emphasise when designing a brand for Saline products form the North Sea Region.

The work package leader of WP6 “Awareness raising, capacity building and governance” Wim van Isacker from the Flemish Land Agency also informed the partners that things are on track and that for instance several training videos have been produced which are available on the SalFar website.

On 20-22 April 2020 the SalFar partners will meet again in Bruges, Belgium.

Some impressions from the partner meeting

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