RIGHT's Approach for solving the problem
The RIGHT project is organised in 5 work packages which will enable partners to achieve the project's goalsWP1 - Project Management
Led by lead beneficiary Vestland County Council. The lead beneficiary will host a project management team with expertise in management, finance and communications. Each of the these activities will be given special focus in order to ensure the smooth running of the project including sound financial management. The LB will ensure the overall delivery of the project and supply tools to ensure a smooth delivery.
WP2 - Communication Activities
Led by lead beneficiary Vestland County Council. The work is divided into project internal communications (partners) and external communications (stakeholders). The overall communication objective for the external work is to collect, process and disseminate good stories and project results to our defined and selected target groups. The aim is to ensure that the project results and outputs outlive the project lifetime and are available for future reference. The internal communications work will help to secure good project management and smooth delivery of the project.
WP3 - Mapping the Skills Gap - Building a Knowledge Base
Led by the cooperation between the Province of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. The WP lays the basis with regional reports on energy and, or blue sectors (chosen by partners). Reports are primarily based on desk research, supplemented by interviews of expert and exemplary SMEs. Reports cover:
- smart specialization strategy, emerging sectors/clusters
- current/expected skills and innovation gaps in existing and emerging sectors
- initiatives developing support mechanisms for SMEs and clusters to bridge innovation and skills gaps in the sector/region
To ensure transnational comparison, regional reports will use an outline for the region’s sectoral analysis (based on dissertation Manickam, 2017), and the Job Openings Excel (JOE) format to capture SME inputs on current and projected job specifications, competences and therefore regional labour and skills gaps (based on Dutch regional labour market analysis methodology, van Lieshout et al., 2016 & van Lieshout et al., 2017).
WP4 - Bridging the Skills Gap with Pilots
Led by the Fife Council supported by the Ghent University. The outcome of the skills gap analysis and regional reports in WP 3 will along with regional skills strategies form the basis for the work in WP4. The outcome of WP3, will be used to tailor a minimum of 2 pilot experiments per region fitting one or several thematic lines. A pilot can be an online or face-to-face training, course, workshop or series of workshops set up in tight collaboration between the SME’s and educational institutions to bridge the skills gaps identified.
WP5 - Increasing Innovation Capacity through Policy
Led by the Industrial Development Center South (IUC Syd). The goal of the project is to increase regional innovation capacity through increased and shared knowledge. The project will develop methods for increasing the pool of competence available to companies in blue economy and energy and manufacturing sectors of the regions that participate in the project. The purpose of WP5 is to package the experiences from the previous work packages into tools for policy making and knowledge mapping.