Seven regional reports and a transnational report were produced based on desk research, work sessions and interviews. The reports are available from the Output Library. These regional reports serve both as an audit of the region for their key regional actors as well as introductory briefs to the seven participating regions. The reports provide insights on the participating regions in terms of their regional innovation ecosystems, including labour market and education sector, with a specific focus on SMEs in the energy and/or blue sectors.
These reports will be presented and discussed in the respective regions with relevant actors including regional authorities, business associations and businesses, educational and training partners. These reports could help facilitate learning from other regions to further improve their own regional institutional and policy development due to degree of both similarities and differences present. Next to this, there is an important opportunity for participating regions to explore how regional cooperation could support and accelerate the transitions in energy and blue sectors in their regions and the related human capital transition.
The conclusions from the reports will inform choices to be made in the RIGHT project related to pilots (work package 4) and policies (work package 5). The collective decision-making process of the partners are in turn based on the analyses and discussions that had taken place in each of the partner regions. This methodology of working is an important part of the RIGHT project in effecting transition processes and policy development.
The list below captures themes identified by SMEs for possible cooperation and learning:
- connecting to new networks and value chains;
- getting access to new knowledge and competences;
- increasing innovation capacities related to markets, technology, products and partners;
- financing strategies
- focus on quality and customer needs
The regional reports and the transnational report are available from the Output Library under WP3.