This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

When? Where? How?

All reports are submitted through the online monitoring system. The Lead Beneficiary plays a key role. They must initiate the collection of information and claims for every partner and combine these into an integrated project progress report, statement of expenditure and claim for payment. It is essential that every submitted report reflects the work and spending of the whole partnership. 

There is a deadline for submitting each report and the deadlines are individual for each project in order to avoid queuing. If a project cannot meet the deadline, the Lead Beneficiary must contact the Joint Secretariat in advance. In the worst case, failure to report for an extended period may lead to the termination of your project and the launch of a procedure to recover all funds paid out.

After you have submitted a report, your report will be fully processed and will be ready for payment within 90 days. It is important to note, however, that payments are subject to availability of funding i.e. if the European Commission for some reason has not transferred sufficient funding for the programme to make a payment, the payment will be put on hold until funding becomes available. 

Fact sheets
Fact Sheet 13: Roles and responsibilities in project partnerships (version 3)
Fact Sheet 22: Reporting
