This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Designation - who does it?

All countries except Sweden 
Once your project application is approved, the first thing you do is to appoint a first level controller. When doing so, it is very important that all rules of procurement are followed.

As a rule, controllers should be external and independent. Some countries will allow the use of internal controllers, but you must check national rules before considering this.

When you have identified the potential first level controller, the next step is to have the controller designated. This is done by the designation body of which there is one in each country. Only when the first level controller has been designated, he/she can start carrying out first level control.


In Sweden a centralised system for first level control is in place, which means that Tillväxtverket by definition will be the first level controller for all Swedish beneficiaries. There are no exceptions from this rule and costs incurred by Swedish beneficiaries and controlled by other first level controllers than Tillväxtverket are ineligible and will not trigger any grant. 

Tillväxtverket will be informed that your project has been approved and that you will be the beneficiary but it is always a good idea to establish contact before you start to incur expenditure.
