This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Fact sheets

Please note: These fact sheets apply in the VB programme period. To find fact sheets applying in the next period (VIB), please click here

The purpose of the fact sheets is to provide guidance primarily to beneficiaries and secondly to First Level Controllers and the Group of Auditors on rules and procedures applied in the North Sea Region programme. 

You can find further information about the fact sheets in the Programme Manual. Below is an overview of the available fact sheets. 

Make sure to always check the website for potential updates of individual fact sheets prior to completing progress reports on finance and content. In case there is more than one version of a fact sheet, an overview on which fact sheet is valid in which period will be provided.

Fact Sheet 1: General rules on eligibility (Version 3)
Fact Sheet 2: Staff costs (Version 3)
Fact Sheet 2a: Staff costs - Flanders (Version 7)
Fact Sheet 2b: Staff costs - The Netherlands (Version 4)
Fact Sheet 3: Office and administration 
Fact Sheet 4: Travel and accommodation
Fact Sheet 5: Contracting external experts and services
Fact Sheet 6: Equipment and investments (Version 3)
Fact Sheet 7: Preparation costs (Version 2)
Fact Sheet 8: Shared costs (Version 3)
Fact Sheet 9: Deducting revenue from payment claims
Fact Sheet 10: Exchange rates
Fact Sheet 11: Tender procedures (Version 3)
Fact Sheet 12: Documentation and the audit trail (Version 2)
Fact Sheet 13: Roles and responsibilities in project partnerships (Version 4) 
Fact Sheet 14: Partnership agreement (Version 2)
Fact Sheet 15: Private sector beneficiaries
Fact Sheet 16: State aid (Version 5)
Fact Sheet 17: State aid for final recipients (Version 4)
Fact Sheet 18: Beneficiaries and activities outside the programme area (Version 2)
Fact Sheet 19: Application assessment process (Version 3)
Fact Sheet 20: Letter of intent (Version 2)
Fact Sheet 21: Final reporting (Version 2)
Fact Sheet 22: Reporting (Version 3)
Fact Sheet 23: Indicators (Version 2)
Fact Sheet 24: First level control (Version 3)
Fact Sheet 25: Publicity requirements (Version 3)
Fact Sheet 26: Project changes (Version 4)
Fact Sheet 27: Intellectual Property Rights and ownership of project investments  

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