Final reporting on a 2007 - 2013 project
All projects of the 2007 - 2013 programming period end by 30 June 2015. Here is what you need to know about final reporting.All final reports must be submitted to the secretariat within 3 months of project closure. Below is a list of advice from our project advisors to facilitate the process.
If you have any questions, please contact us as soon as possible.
- The final finance report is the same as the periodic report – the only difference is that you fill out Table 4 Funding (Appendix 8) as if you have received the final ERDF payment. You can of course only claim up to the Max Grant and any additional expenditure incurred should be included in the "Own Contribution".
- All staff costs must be in line with the Guidance Note on Hourly Rate Calculation and Supplementary Information. The mandatory statement on hourly rate calculation must be included in Appendix 6. No statement – no ERDF for staff costs!
- On the spot verification: All beneficiaries (except Sweden, but including sub-partners) need to be listed individually in Appendix 8a. If zero Euro was checked on the spot, then please indicate this. Remember, all information needs to be filled out or the beneficiary will not appear when the document is exported. If the beneficiary is not in Appendix 8a, all periodic expenditure is deducted. See guidance note.
- Minor budget changes - only shifting funds between budget lines of the same beneficiary. Deadline: Up to submission of final report (within the 3 month deadline).
- Major budget changes – shifting funds between beneficiaries. A very strong justification is needed for shifting funds between beneficiaries at the end of the project. Deadline: Must be submitted in the online monitoring system with new Letters of Intent (for those beneficiaries requesting to increase their budget) by the closure date of the project. Hard copies of request and Letters of Intent will be needed to complete the process.
- Costs incurred, which are eligible for reimbursement after the project closure date, are only the following and must have been paid by the time the report has been submitted to the secretariat:
a. Staff hours for preparation of the final report
b. Audit costs for the final report
c. Printing costs for the final report - If you have undergone a Second Level Control, please indicate in Appendix 6 if any ineligible expenditure found has already been deducted in the final claim.
- All First Level Controllers must have been designated in the online monitoring system – with no First Level Controllers, all expenditure for that beneficiary is deducted.
- Report 100% expenditure as it has been incurred. We will process all budget change requests before processing the final report and will then deduct any over-spending on budget line level if necessary. Please remember to report sub-partner expenditure accordingly.
For detailed guidance, please see our FLC seminar presentation and Guidance Note on Final Reporting for 2007 - 2013.
Project content
The reporting form for the final report is slightly different. A draft form is available here for reference only, as the report must be submitted through our online monitoring system.
To ensure that all project results will remain available after project closure, we also need the following in connection with submission of your final report:
- All relevant documents and photos must be uploaded to the project section of the 2007 - 2013 website. Guidance is available here.
- The list of project results in the project section of the 2007 - 2013 website must be updated. Send an updated list to your project advisor.
- Please send any project videos produced to Communications Advisor Rikke Sørensen. Videos will be shared on the Programme's YouTube channel.
- Send three good quotes about the project (stated by either a politician, project manager, end user or others involved in or benefitting from the project) to Communications Advisor Rikke Sørensen. This could simply be quotes already used in your newsletters, etc. Please send profile photos of the people quoted as well.
- If the project received any awards or nominations, please inform us, so we can spread the message.
If you have further questions, please contact a project advisor.