Many Swedes prefer Swedish products in stores
Since the collaboration with LRF began, we have increased sales of Swedish food, 90 percent of the fresh meat, and just over 90 percent of Ica's dairy range is today Swedish. It is gratifying to note that so many consumers state that they deliberately choose Swedish-produced foods, it is an acknowledgment that our cooperation has produced results. The survey also shows that there are great opportunities in the future to offer even more Swedish in several categories, says Anders Svensson, CEO of Ica Sweden, in a press release.
According to the survey, 42 per cent were generally prepared to pay more for Swedish food. Only one percent stated the answer no, never.
The fact that so many consumers want to pay more for Swedish food shows that Sweden's farmers are far ahead in the sustainability work. Choosing Swedish means many added value, such as good animal care, low antibiotic use and good environmental considerations. All this also entails higher costs for the farmers. The fact that more people buy Swedish is important for us to be able to develop food production in Sweden. The growing interest in Swedish food products also leads to better financial conditions for Sweden's food producers, says Palle Borgström, federal chairman of LRF.