How to meet increasing demand for vegetables

17 December 2018 - Published by Hein Braaksma
The demand for locally produced vegetables, fruits and berries is increasing in Sweden. In November 2018 representatives of the Swedish vegetable industry met together with producers and organizations supporting local food in West Sweden. A full day seminar was arranged by Agroväst research and innovation program Tillväxt Trädgård Väst. And the industry’s message was clear: We need more horticulturists and we need horticulturists to grow a wider range of products.

Get to know your target market
It is of great importance to learn as much as you can about your market before growing new products. What certifications do you need? What does competition look like? What kind of logistic solutions are available? Do the customers have specific demands when it comes to exposing your product? There are a lot of questions to be straightened out before putting seeds in the soil.

REFRAME – towards a regional food frame
The seminar gave a good possibility for people to network and discuss and share their experiences, which is of great importance. It also gave the participants a good opportunity to expand knowledge in certain areas. Lokalproducerat i Väst presented the Regional Food Frame idea and also gave a short introduction in the afternoon parallel seminars to branding, marketing and added value by choosing a suitable packaging. For this a special guest was invited: Sofia Kvist, AkSe Gårdsprodukter. 


Her company has joined the work within the Regional Food Frame West Sweden and learned a lot more about how to remake their brand and packaging to get the product more premium. At her farm they grow carrots and with support from REFRAME she got the opportunity to do a brand remake with a professional advertising agency.
By lifting up good example from the Regional Food Frame West Sweden in this way we encourage others to take the next step, to grow in volume and profit and meeting the existing demand for more locally produced food.


Within the REFRAME pilot in West Sweden small scale producers can apply to Lokalproducerat i Väst for a remake of their brand and packaging together with a professional advertising agency. They put in their own values, time and REFRAME support with an exclusive and attractive price setting for marketing advices. This has shown to be a good way putting more self-confidence into the small scale producers.