EMEC to attend ORE Supergen kick-off in Plymouth

24 January 2019 - Published by Stig Marthinsen

Rob Flynn, EMEC’s International Development Manager, will attend the newly launched ORE Supergen programme in Plymouth, UK next Tuesday 22 January.

The programme will focus the UK’s academic fire power on challenges in the offshore wind, wave and tidal energy sectors to drive shared learning and solve common problems. EMEC will explore opportunities for the PERISCOPE programme and its collaborators through Supergen.

The Supergen Programme was set up in 2001 to deliver sustained and coordinated research on Sustainable Power generation and supply, focusing on eight key research areas: bioenergy; energy networks; energy storage; fuel cells; hydrogen and other vectors; marine, wave and tidal; solar technology; and wind power.

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) is creating a new Supergen ORE Hub aimed to bring together for mutual benefit the related research areas of wave, tidal and offshore wind in order to share skills, resources and expertise across the field of ORE.