Trees & shrubs for sale

20 April 2021 - Published by Francis Buner
The GWCT-led Interreg PARTRIDGE project aims to demonstrate how best to manage arable farmland in order to benefit wildlife, using the grey partridge as a model species. This is being done at ten demonstration farms across northern Europe.

We recently received an offer of support from Mr Holmes, a GWCT member from Fife in Scotland, who is a keen amateur grower of trees and shrubs. Mr Holmes has very kindly offered to sell off his stock of plants, each for a healthy donation, which will then be put towards the PARTRIDGE project. He has a number of young cotoneaster, scots pine, yew, hawthorn, birch and larch – all in pots – for sale, so if you are anywhere near West Stirlingshire and fancy a yew or two, or are searching for birch (I’m sorry…)

Please give him a ring on 01360 850740.