Press Releases
Farmland nature from a hunter's perspective
10 June 2022When I promised to write this blog about what farmland nature means to me as a hunter, it all started with a discussion about whether you can be both a hunter and a conservationist. But before I answe…
Read moreThe future of farmland conservation in Scotland: discussions with NatureScot at the PARTRIDGE demo site, Balgonie
12 May 2022Balgonie is an arable unit in southern Fife and is the prime demonstration site in Scotland for the EU Interreg-funded PARTRIDGE project, which aims to show how farmland biodiversity might be supporte…
Read moreVolunteers make a difference in Burghsluis
18 March 2022Since the end of 2020, six volunteers have made a huge difference at our demonstration site in Burghsluis. Just like at the Ouden Doorn demosite in Brabant, these volunteers help the Dutch PARTRIDGE t…
Read moreBrown Hare Surveys - A night-time safari experience
18 March 2022Brown hares are an indicator species for farmland biodiversity. Because of this, they’re monitored on a yearly basis for the Interreg North Sea Region PARTRIDGE Project, usually throughout January/Feb…
Read moreThe natural history of the Grey partridge series
02 March 2022
There are currently 10,989 known bird species ensuring that our world is a rich and beautiful place1. By far the most common relationship among them see…
Read moreSuccesvol bijvoeren voor patrijzen: hoe en waarom
02 March 2022In moderne landbouwgebieden is er vaak een gebrek aan voedsel in de late winter en vroege lente (hongerkloof) voor patrijzen en andere akkervogels.
Read moreSuccessful winter feeding of partridges: how and why?
18 February 2022In modern agricultural landscapes there is often a shortage of seed-food in late winter and early spring for partridges and other farmland songbirds.
Read moreWinter Feeding Vlog
01 February 2022Winter feeding is a key measure for improving the winter survival of farmland birds. This consists of supplementing natural food with grain over the winter months to ensure our partridges don't go hun…
Read moreGive farmers the ecological advice they need and want!
03 December 2021Agri-environment schemes (AES) are mechanisms which provide financial support to farmers in exchange for wildlife-friendly management practices. They are publicly funded and consume not insignificant …
Read moreThe trials and tribulations of undertaking bird surveys as a student
24 November 2021Is it a kite? Is it a buzzard? Oh no, wait, it’s a pigeon!
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