This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

We make a difference for people in the North Sea Region

Much of the work we support improves the quality of life for citizens in the North Sea Region. For example by creating a healthy environment, improving public services, preparing for climate impacts, and tackling loneliness.

Project highlights

Browse through the slideshow to discover key project achievements: 


Explore projects improving liveability 


ACCESS: Ensuring sustainable energy for all

Stable, affordable energy is fundamental for citizens' well-being. ACCESS discovers how to keep grids running as green energy production goes local. 

Discover ACCESS



BEGIN: Supporting liveability through climate adaptation

BEGIN worked with citizens on designing blue-green infrastructure in their city, building climate resilience while boosting the residents' health and well-being. 

Discover BEGIN


BITS: Improving your cycling experience

Lack of road safety or risk of theft may cause you to leave your bike at home and take the car instead. BITS uses ICT to make cycling safe and carefree.

Discover BITS


BLING: Promoting blockchain in government

Can blockchain technology foster democracy or help vulnerable citizens without disrupting their privacy? The BLING partners have their eyes set on blockhain in public services. 

Discover BLING


BwN: Creating flood resilience with nature

Building with Nature (BwN) explored the use of natural structures such as dunes and rivers to reduce the impacts of flood events. This helped prevent future disasters. 

Discover BwN


CATCH: Preparing mid-size cities for extreme weather

CATCH develops tools to help mid-size cities prepare for climate change and create new assets in the process. The pilots show that threats can often be turned into benefits. 

Discover CATCH


CUPIDO: Powering rural economies by culture

What if cultural heritage could take centre stage in the economy of rural areas? CUPIDO provides proof that local culture can drive sustainable business in the countryside. 

Discover CUPIDO


EXSKALLERATE: Easing the strain on workers

With exoskeletons, workers in the construction industry can avoid back-breaking work and excessive strain on the body. 



FAIR: Keeping flood protection assets ship-shape

Dams, dykes, and sluices are ageing, while flood risk is growing. FAIR produced tools for smart flood infrastructure investment, to keep communities safe from floods. 

Discover FAIR


FRAMES: Keeping the floods at bay

FRAMES enables communities to minimise flood risk and be ready when the floods strike. This reduces flood damage and eases restoration after a flooding event. 

Discover FRAMES


G-PaTRA: Expanding green mobility in the countryside

How can green transport improve mobility for people living in rural areas? Ride-share schemes, dial-a-bus services, and green public transport are all at play in G-PaTRA.

Discover G-PaTRA


In For Care: Caring about the caregivers

Families and friends: In Europe, 80% of all care for vulnerable people is provided by informal carers. The project built caring communities and supported caregivers in their vital role. 

Discover In For Care

Read their success story



I2I: Moving from isolation to inclusion

The I2I project develops methods to combat loneliness as part of social service delivery. Training, volunteering, events, and special initiatives are all part of the toolbox. 

Discover I2I


INDU-ZERO: Making energy poverty history

Energy renovation can reduce your energy bills, but the cost of renovation slows down the transformation of older buildings. INDU-ZERO spearheads mass renovation at 50% of the current price. 

Discover INDU-ZERO


Like! Breeding a digital culture in the public service sector  

Digital technology has a vast potential to help improve public services. Like! produced an impressive range of ideas and examples of how this can be done.

Discover Like!

Read their success story



MOVE: Reducing car-dependency in rural areas

Do you have to own or rent a car to move around the countryside? Not necessarily, according to MOVE. How about Bed & Bike, e-bikes for health carers, or mobility hubs complete with e-charging, bike repair, and restaurant?

Discover MOVE


NorthTick: Taking stock of emerging disease

Tick-borne diseases are on the rise. NorthTick assesses the risk and discovers preventive measures, diagnostic strategies, and the best ways to manage patients. 

Discover NorthTick


PAV: Making driverless vechicles work for people

Autonomous transport can improve urban citizens' life by offering safe and green mobility. PAV explores city planning as a tool to foster citizen-centred, autonomous transport. 

Discover PAV


REFRAME: Supporting local food, local jobs, local lives

A stronger focus on local food enables SMEs in food supply chains to thrive. This provides jobs and livelihoods in rural areas threatened by depopulation, as shown by REFRAME.

Discover REFRAME


SalFar: Safeguarding food production in a changing climate

SalFar successfully spearheaded saline farmin  in response to the salinisation of soils due to climate change. The project has found that it is possible to grow salt-tolerant food crops under saline conditions. 

Discover SalFar


SCORE: Tapping into open data for the benefit of everyone

Open data is a largely untapped resource for cities to take care of residents' needs. SCORE showcases ways of putting open data to good use, from mobility to waste collection. 

Discover SCORE


SHARE-North: Supporting shared mobility for cleaner, less congested cities

SHARE-North has shown that well-designed shared mobility schemes can take many cars off the road. This helps reduce air pollution and frees up precious space in the city. 

Discover SHARE-North


SHINE: Keeping healthcare affordable 

As pressures on our health systems are growing, how can we make sure they will remain functional and accessible for all? SHINE developed new business models providing better health services at less cost. 

Discover SHINE

Read the success story


Stronger Combined: Enabling rural residents to travel green

The project makes it easier for people in the countryside to get out and about. For example, special passes help elderly and disabled people get on board public transport. Or how about booking a bike to wait for you at the train station?

Discover Stronger Combined


Stronghouse: Helping people to invest in sustainable housing  

Using fossil fuels is bad for your pocket as well as the climate. Stronghouse helps homeowners and communities to invest in the energy renovation of 22,000 homes, saving 36 kiloton CO2. 

Discover Stronghouse
